Monday, October 20, 2008
Playboy’s playmate Julie Peterson
Obama's Money Is More Than a Match for Republicans'
By Jonathan D. Salant
Oct. 18 (Bloomberg) -- The Republican Party's fundraising prowess isn't proving enough to overtake Barack Obama's spending advantage over John McCain in the presidential campaign's homestretch.
For example, the Democratic nominee outspent his opponent $17.8 million to $8.2 million in TV advertising in contested states during the week of Sept. 29, the Television Advertising Bureau reported.
``We're in a strong position,'' said David Axelrod, Obama's chief strategist. ``A stronger position, it's fair to say, than Democrats have been relative to Republican nominees in the past few cycles.''
Obama may have raised more than $100 million in September alone and probably will outspend McCain by a similar amount in the two-month period concluding with the Nov. 4 election, Democrats say. The September figure must be reported to the Federal Election Commission by Oct. 20.
McCain accepted $84.1 million in taxpayer money for the general-election campaign, barring him from raising additional funds. But he can raise money for the Republican Party, which then can spend on behalf of his campaign. Obama declined public funds, letting him raise an unlimited amount of money privately.
RNC Spending
The Republican National Committee reported spending $16.5 million through Oct. 14 independently of McCain's campaign, dwarfing the $1.1 million by its Democratic counterpart. The party said on Oct. 16 it will spend another $18 million on ads in the competitive states of Colorado, Florida, Indiana, North Carolina, Missouri, Ohio, Pennsylvania and Virginia.
The RNC, in a joint effort with the McCain campaign, raised $48 million between July 1 and Sept. 30, FEC figures show.
RNC spokeswoman Amber Wilkerson referred requests for comment to Brad Todd, who works on the party's independent- expenditure unit. He didn't return calls.
McCain and his running mate, Alaska Governor Sarah Palin, are seeking more help for the campaign's final days. ``Our team of reformers is ready to lead,'' Palin wrote in an e-mail solicitation this week. ``But we'll get never get there without your support.''
Major Contributors
Among major contributors to the joint RNC-McCain fundraising effort are individuals who raised at least $200,000 for President George W. Bush's re-election campaign in 2004, FEC records show. The donors: Richard Farmer, founder of Cincinnati-based Cintas Corp., his relatives and other executives contributed $44,600; William DeWitt, co-chairman of Cincinnati-based investment firm Reynolds, DeWitt & Co. and Katherine DeWitt contributed $25,000 apiece.
Also, Facundo Bacardi, chairman of Bermuda-based Bacardi Ltd., and Elizabeth Bacardi each gave $40,800 to the RNC. Andrew Puzder, president of Carpinteria, California-based CKE Restaurants Inc., contributed $43,100.
The National Rifle Association has spent $3.9 million in support of McCain, and the American Issues Project, which supports gun rights and opposes abortion, has contributed $2.9 million.
As for the Democrats, FEC records show that organized labor has spent $31.4 million through Oct. 14 for Obama's candidacy. The Service Employees International Union has spent $23.3 million., which opposes the Iraq War, spent $5 million.
``The reason the RNC has so much money to spend is thanks to the lobbyists and special interests who want John McCain to win,'' Democratic National Committee spokeswoman Karen Finney said. ``We hope to overcome that with Obama's vision to change Washington and strong grassroots support all over the country.''
Battleground States
Obama's superior resources are helping him compete in traditionally Republican states.
In North Carolina, he spent $1.2 million on TV ads between Sept. 28 and Oct. 4, compared with $148,000 for McCain, according to a study by the University of Wisconsin. In Virginia, Obama spent $2.1 million to McCain's $547,000, the report said.
In the battleground states of Florida, Ohio, Pennsylvania and Michigan, Obama outspent McCain 3-1, TVB Research Director Jack Poor said. McCain announced Oct. 3 that he would no longer compete in Michigan.
The parties can spend $19 million in coordination with their presidential nominees and an unlimited amount independently. They can also share the cost of so-called hybrid ads that tout both the nominee and the party.
Between Sept. 6-13, for example, 57 percent of McCain's $7.8 million in TV advertising was run in a cost-sharing arrangement with the RNC, the Wisconsin study found. Obama paid the cost of his $7.8 million in ads out of his campaign treasury.
He is also raising money for the Democratic National Committee. Two Philadelphia fundraisers Oct. 10 netted more than $6 million for his campaign and the party.
Obama had $77.4 million in the bank as of Aug. 31 to $27 million for McCain, according to the latest available figures.
The RNC reported $76 million in the bank as of Aug. 31 compared with $17.5 million for its Democratic counterpart.
Analysis: Obama money dooms current public finance
When the Democratic presidential candidate reneged on his pledge to take public financing for the general election, campaign watchdog groups and newspaper editorialists pounced. They all hoped he would help salvage a broken campaign finance system.
Instead, he created a whole new one, and he destined the current system of public financing to the trash heap.
On Sunday, Obama's campaign announced he had raised more than $150 million in September alone, a previously unimaginable fundraising rate of $5 million a day. Republican rival John McCain, who chose to participate in the public system, has been limited by law to spending only $84 million in September and October.
At Obama's clip, his fundraising will easily surpass the $650 million total spent by President Bush and Democrat John Kerry combined in 2004. Indeed, by using sophisticated new social networking tools to reach legions of small donors, Obama has already exceeded the forecasts of some campaign finance seers who two years ago were predicting the two parties' nominees would each spend about $500 million.
The extraordinary sum vindicated Obama's decision. It also made a public finance system born after the excesses of the Watergate era look decidedly quaint.
"People will look back at 2008 as the year that Barack Obama once and for all destroyed public financing as we know it," said Todd Harris, a Republican strategist who worked on McCain's 2000 presidential campaign. "It will be very difficult four years from now for any candidate to make the case that they should participate in public financing given the obvious financial advantage that Obama has received by opting out."
But while Obama has rewritten campaign finance rules with his use of technology and personal outreach, he has also taken advantage of a changing social and political landscape that suited his message and his celebrity. As a result, his campaign says, he has 3.1 million donors, with more than 600,000 new ones contributing just in September.
Obama reached them through Facebook and MySpace, by e-mail and by phone text. A purchase of Obama merchandise on the Web guaranteed you a place as a donor; so did attendance at his popular and crowded rallies. Those donors, in turn, were encouraged to reach out virally to even more.
"He has developed a donor base that is comparable to what we would consider a donor base for a national political party," said Anthony Corrado, a political scientist and an expert on political money at Colby College in Maine.
But advocates of a public finance system aren't eager to give up on a system that relies on voluntary taxpayer contributions on their annual tax returns. And while Obama backed away from his promise to take public money if McCain did, they want him to live up to his pledge to fix the system if he becomes president.
"The question for Democrats is will they decide to go forward with something that is not to their immediate advantage," said David Donnelly, director of Campaign Money Watch.
Whether other politicians could replicate Obama's feat is certainly an open question. But political campaigns tend to model themselves on the last successful effort. If Obama goes on to win the White House, his fundraising model will be the first chapter in future campaign playbooks.
"The experience of this campaign will lead to a retrospective evaluation that McCain made a mistake in opting in (for public financing) and that Obama did the right thing by opting out," Corrado said.
Some Republicans have argued that McCain's selection of Sarah Palin as a running mate so galvanized the Republican base that he might have been able to raise more money for the general election than the $84 million he received.
But McCain and Obama have operated on separate tracks. McCain's fundraising apparatus was not set up like Obama's and McCain has never shown an affinity for fundraising anyway.
Instead, he has had to rely on the Republican National Committee to supplement his restricted finances. And while their combined forces had given them some parity with Obama and the Democratic National Committee, Obama's September performance amounted to a fifth gear that the GOP simply didn't have.
Obama's fundraising advantage has been evident for some time. He is outspending McCain and the RNC by more than 2-1 in advertising; without the RNC, he's outspending McCain nearly 4-1 in TV ads. He's been able to expand the field of competitive states to typically Republican states and secured his standing in typically Democratic states.
Still, it's easy to overstate the significance of Obama's millions. His success so far in national and state public opinion polls also reflects a toxic political environment for McCain and Republicans. Bush's unpopularity and the crisis in the financial markets have hurt Republican candidates up and down the ballot.
And finding the key to unleash a torrent of small donors is only part of a successful political equation. Howard Dean surged as a candidate with his unprecedented Internet fundraising in advance of the 2004 Democratic presidential primaries. He lost.
Obama Buck
Obama Buck Supporters Drink Racist Kool-Aid to Survive
Goldfield Hotel Investigation
The Goldfield Hotel was Built in 1908 and has been closed for business well over 50 years. And yet, some say there are still ghostly guests on the premises....Hopefully, we will find out if there's any truth to this during our investigation of the building. We arrive early in the afternoon and meet with members of our group, the shows director, and the cameramen. In addition to the five members of our group there will be Elizabeth who is a psychic, Mike, Cat and their dog Ripley.
Here and now I'd like to say that doing an investigation in front of television cameras is a lot different than doing one without the cameras. It's usually hurry up and wait...and wait..Then as the investigation proceeds there's no time for comparing findings with other investigators; and watch your mouth! So what if you drop your flashlight and your brand new 500 dollar camera; this is family television after all...of course you should expect to repeat yourself if you are startled by some strange phenomena that the camera doesn't catch the first time you encounter it.
Note how two orbs seem to follow in the investigator's footsteps in this photo
Thomas Payne
Brief Biography
On January 29, 1737, Thomas Paine was born in Thetford, England. His father, a corseter, had grand visions for his son, but by the age of 12, Thomas had failed out of school. The young Paine began apprenticing for his father, but again, he failed. So, now age 19, Paine went to sea. This adventure didn't last too long, and by 1768 he found himself as an excise (tax) officer in England. Thomas didn't exactly excel at the role, getting discharged from his post twice in four years, but as an inkling of what was to come, he published The Case of...MORE
central america map
Description Central America, a part of North America, is a tropical isthmus that connects North America to South America. It includes (7) countries and many small offshore islands. Overall, the land is fertile and rugged, and dominated through its heart by a string of volcanic mountain ranges that are punctuated by a few active and dangerous volcanos.
Population of Central America: 41,135,300
Population all countries here
Highest Point: Volcan Tajumulco in Guatemala - 13,816 ft (4,211 m)
Lowest Point: Pacific Ocean 0 ft (0 m)
source from:
Costa Rica
This Central American country lies between Nicaragua to the north and Panama to the south. Its area slightly exceeds that of Vermont and New Hampshire combined. It has a narrow Pacific coastal region. Cocos Island (10 sq mi; 26 sq km), about 300 mi (483 km) off the Pacific Coast, is under Costa Rican sovereignty.
Democratic republic.
Costa Rica was inhabited by an estimated 400,000 Indians when Columbus explored it in 1502. The Spanish conquest began in 1524. The region grew slowly and was administered as a Spanish province. Costa Rica achieved independence in 1821 but was absorbed for two years by Agustín de Iturbide in his Mexican empire. It became a republic in 1848. Except for the military dictatorship of Tomás Guardia from 1870 to 1882, Costa Rica has enjoyed one of the most democratic governments in Latin America.
In the 1970s, rising oil prices, falling international commodity prices, and inflation hurt the economy. Efforts have since been made to reduce reliance on coffee, banana, and beef exports. Tourism is now a major business. Óscar Arias Sánchez, who became president in 1986, was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 1987 for his role in negotiating settlements to both the Nicaraguan and the Salvadoran civil wars.
José Maria Figueres Olsen of the National Liberation Party became president in 1994. He opposed economic suggestions made by the International Monetary Fund, instead favoring greater government intervention in the economy. The World Bank subsequently withheld $100 million of financing. In 1998, Miguel Angel Rodríguez of the Social Christian Unity Party became president, pledging economic reforms, such as privatization. In 2000, Costa Rica and Nicaragua resolved a long-standing dispute over navigation of the San Juan River, which forms their border. A psychiatrist, Abel Pacheco, also of the Social Christian Unity Party, won the presidency in elections held in April 2002. In May 2003, several national strikes took place, by energy and telecommunications workers over privatization and by teachers over their salaries.
Costa Rica has a reputation as one of the most stable, prosperous, and least corrupt Latin American countries. But in fall 2004, three former Costa Rican presidents (José Maria Figueres Olsen, Miguel Angel Rodríguez, and Rafael Angel Calderon) were investigated on corruption charges. In 2006, Óscar Arias Sánchez was elected president. Arias, who had served as president once before (1986–1990), won the Nobel Peace Prize in 1987 for fostering peace talks that eventually ended the civil wars in El Salvador and Nicaragua.
Creditors approve Mervyns restructuring plan
The Creditors Committee, composed of certain major vendors, landlords and other creditors, discussed with the Hayward, Calif.-based department store chain its operational initiatives, cost savings, liquidity position and funding needed to emerge from bankruptcy as a reorganized company.
According to the release, the committee supports the company's restructuring plan.
"We are pleased to be working constructively with the Creditors Committee and to have received this positive response to our preliminary strategic initiatives," Mervyns Chief Executive Officer John Goodman said in a media release. "Additionally, on the operational side, the committee is supportive of the progress we have made to date in realigning our business operations. Our stores are performing above plan, and we have strengthened our relationships with vendors. Mervyns has made great strides in a short time, and we are confident that our restructuring efforts will position the company to compete successfully in the future."
Court approves Mervyns bankruptcy plan
According to a media release from the company, the U.S. Bankruptcy Court for the District of Delaware granted final approval of the company's $465 million debtor-in-possession financing facility.
Under the plan, which met with the support of the creditors' committee, the financing and cash generated from operations of the California-based department store chain will be used to continue to pay vendors and employees and provide operational stability as Mervyns proceeds with its restructuring, with an eye on emerging from bankruptcy.
"The court's approval of our DIP financing is a significant step in our reorganization process and one we are pleased to have accomplished," Mervyns Chief Executive Officer John Goodman said in the release. "Our DIP financing provides Mervyns with the liquidity and stability it needs to continue serving our customers and meeting our obligations to vendors. With this final DIP financing in place and our financial position now strengthened, we are able to maintain our operations while continuing our discussions with creditors as we focus on emerging from bankruptcy."
Mervyns bankruptcy case moves forward
On Thursday, the chain announced that the U.S. Bankruptcy Court for the District of Delaware granted interim approval of "first day" motions in the Mervyns Chapter 11 case.
The approval allows the company to move forward with its $465 million debtor-in-possession financing (DIP) plan, according to a release on Business Wire.
Under the plan, Mervyns will use the DIP as well as cash generated from operations to continue to pay employee wages and benefits and honor customer gift cards and returns.
In addition, the financing also allows the department store chain to pay all post-petition expenses and vendor obligations.
A final DIP hearing is scheduled for Aug. 26.
"With the Bankruptcy Court's prompt approval of our DIP financing and first day motions, we are moving forward with our reorganization under Chapter 11 while maintaining normal operations in our stores," Mervyns Chief Executive Officer John Goodman said in a media release issued on Thursday. "We are pleased that we can continue to serve our customers and purchase goods and services from our vendors as we seek to implement strategies to restructure our operations, strengthen our balance sheet and position Mervyns to compete more effectively."
Mervyns filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection on July 29.
The Hayward, Calif.-based chain operates 176 locations in seven states, according to Business Wire.
On National Jeweler's 2008 list of $100 Million Supersellers, the department store chain ranked No. 39 out of 39 (tied with Robbins Bros.), with $125 million in jewelry and watches sales in 2007.
SOURCE FROM:nationaljewelernetwork
Friday, October 17, 2008
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magna carta was knocked down at $21,300,000

Britain's famous "Magna Carta" of a manuscript on the 18th in New York auction house Sotheby off the success of the film, said by telephone buyer bidding to 21,300,000 U.S. dollars to obtain the "world's most important document."
Magna Carta is the King of England in 1215 and the rebels signed an agreement aristocracy, expressly provides that "no one can be above the law", is recognized as the constitutional history of one of the most important document on the future of democracy and human rights have Had a major impact.
The world's last remaining large Manuscript A total of 17 of the Charter, of which only two are living outside the UK: an in Australia, and the other at New York - The New York auction house Sotheby's auction version.
Sotheby's auction house vice president, but also the auction of the auction, David - Leiden only a few words to describe this manuscript - "the world's most important document."
Magna Carta -《Seasons》Remastered[MP3!]

Magna Carta are a bit like the Little Engine That Could -- from relatively modest beginnings in 1969, they've endured across 36 years and counting, even as their louder, more heavily amplified rivals from the same era have long since been consigned to history. Acts such as King Crimson and Emerson, Lake & Palmer may be better (and much more widely) known, but Magna Carta have stayed together, making music decades longer. The group was founded in 1969 by Chris Simpson (who also sang) and Lyell Tranter on acoustic Gibson guitars and Glen Stuart singing harmony.
Magna Carta has made a number of impressive achievements: the band released 29 albums (including the classic "Seasons" and "Lord of the Ages") and a CD-DVD, the world's total sales reached 8,000,000; from the Royal Love Gilbert Hall to Kathmandu and in other countries, the orchestra in 60 countries conducted a tour on behalf of the British Council conducted a tour of 29 times, showing the world the British.
In the band's heyday, including two guitars and two lead singer. In recent years, the band with Chris and Linda Simpson (his wife) a combination of the two returned to the success of this initial form, and a unique singing and guitar playing style unique. The band would be good humor and a member of the band going through the story with a variety of combination of style, weaving out of their own music.
Well-known music producer Colin Irwin evaluation of the band said: "In the past 30 years, people can feel almost all of the elements of folk music and influence of music in the Magna Carta have embodied this in itself is a big Achievements. "
Franz collaborated with Kathy Ireland Worldwide

Franz, President Chen Liheng (right)collaborated with Kathy Ireland Worldwide CEO Kathy Ireland,to enter the United States home market.
Franz and the United States three years ago, Kathy Ireland Worldwide Home brand collaboration, the two sides shared access and design. Kathy Ireland Worldwide annual revenue of about 1,500,000,000 U.S. dollars in the United States well-known manufacturer of household goods and access.
Kathy Ireland Worldwide long-running Kathy Irelan said the company in the United States currently has 20,000 sales positions, many stores sell goods Franz, in high-income consumers like Franz also has a delicate flavor of the design of the East Often buy the entire collection.
Chen Liheng said that three years ago, Kathy Ireland Worldwide, in collaboration with the launch of "Kathy Ireland Home by Franz" line system, including the first line of the Butterfly line, the recent gibbon monkey with the theme of porcelain, are representative of the success of the collaboration. As the stronghold of increasing the United States, in order to increase the diversity of products this year decided to introduce the brand in North America, vice-home access, attack the United States furnishings market.
Introduction of Kathy Ireland
Kathy Ireland was born Kathleen Marie Ireland in Santa Barbara, California.At 17, she was discovered by an agent for Elite Model Management, and by the time she graduated high school, she was working steadily as a model.Then,Ireland began to act appearing in a small number of television and movie. Her first movie, 1988's Alien from L.A., was later skewered during the fifth season of Mystery Science Theater 3000. Ireland also appeared in Melrose Place, Side Out, Mr. Destiny, Loaded Weapon 1, Once Upon A Christmas,Twice Upon A Christmas,Mom and Dad Save the World and Necessary Roughness.
Kathy Ireland Worldwide (referred to as the next KIWW) is the nation's well-known in the design and marketing business, was founded in 1993, Kathy Ireland was a founder of the American fashion industry's top models, the current chief designer and CEO. KIWW business philosophy to "provide the home life of the solution."
Forbes magazine reported that KIWW as "a retail industry with annual sales of 100 million U.S. dollars in the design of the Empire", Newsweek called the "annual sales of more than 140,000,000 U.S. dollars of business." At present, KIWW products include the operating floor, carpet, furniture, lighting, decoration, curtains, bedding, fashion, jewelry and so on.